You know the saying right? My core group of crafty gals do a gift exchange every year. The first year we did it at Christmastime and realized quickly how badly that sucked, because HELLO! no one is more in demand right before Christmas than paper crafters!
But, it's fun, and frankly no one appreciates the work paper crafters do like other paper crafters so we pushed on. In order to take the pressure off we decided to move the gift exchange to the spring. Call it Christmas in March. We exchange wish list items and include one home made item for our elf. Strange we call them elves, considering we are doing the shopping and creating . . . I digress. Anyway, the long and short of it is that my *elf* loves butterflies, and since I had recently made a canvas I was in the mood to do that again. Plus, butterflies are pretty, fun to layer, and well, who doesn't love butterflies?
I cannot tell a lie, I did not execute the magnificent painting on this canvas. I farmed that out to my mother in law, artiste extraordinaire that she is. Everything else is mine though! I hope my elf likes it because I freakin' love it!
Thanks for stopping by!