This is my second attempt at scrapping these photos. The first time was about five months ago and I just wasn't feeling it so I put the unfinished layout in my "to work on at some unknown point in the future which probably means never pile". I'm glad I didn't go back to the old one. I just started over. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am really enjoying using these photo templates, or collages on my traditional pages. They have made Project Life so much more interesting for me this year and last week I decided to snoop around the net for some new templates for PL and came across Kerri Bradford's site. I ended up getting a few for PL, but many more for just general scrapbooking. She has some great configurations on her site. This particular collage comes from the Storyboard #8 set. Kerri's been making these for a long time but for some reason I am just late to the party. Oh well, I still like them!

If you haven't worked with photo templates before, they are super duper easy to use. I use mine in conjunction with Photoshop Elements, and it literally took me less than 10 minutes to drop these photos into the template and print the collage.
Again, sorry about the photos. I shot these at the same time I took the ones for the last page. Wasn't gonna redo them! So look for a much better photo experience next time.
Thanks for stopping by and have a fantastic week!