Friday, March 18, 2011

Craft room wall art

Many of you have probably noticed that I have Ranier Marie Rilke's poem "Widening Circles" posted several times on my blog.  I have been collecting poems, quotes, and sayings since I was a child.  When I was in high school I decorated an entire bedroom wall, from top to bottom, with poems that I printed out on Print Shop.  Do you guys remember that program?  I thought I was so cool then!   Thankfully I had great parents who indulged me in such endeavors and who weren't terribly worried about how their walls would look when we took it all down.

This poem is my latest obsession.  I came across it a few weeks ago.  For me it means, simply, that we are here on Earth to affect others, and we always need to remember our actions can and will be felt in ways that we can never imagine.  I also believe that we are all here for a purpose, and when we find that purpose we find our greatness and our own truth.  Life requires our full attention and our best effort.  No matter our circumstances, we must give ourselves to it fully.

I have been so moved by this poem that I decided to put it on the wall in my craft room.  It's the first meaningful thing I put put on these walls - to remind me to be the most authentic *me* I can be when I am in this space.


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